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Well-established fears

Au Gai is on record for having expounded thoroughly on the topic of Graduate School at large, though recently my favorite of these statements is that Graduate School is "the art of pretending you know what's going on! then finally realize you actually do!" I have been finding this to be increasingly true. I often feel that I have no idea what I am doing. Recently I have been grumpily despairing often. But whenever I have a meeting and must collect the shreds of my progress up off the floor around my desk and compile them into a progress report, then I realize that, as mentioned above, I actually do know what I am doing. Not completely, mind you, but much more than I had thought initially. I have two well-established fears in life, and they are both ridiculous: Aliens and Sharks. Naturally, these are two of the least likely ways a man can die. I can successfully add a third fear, that of failure. But in brief but refreshing cases where I can see that I am making some sort of progress and remind myself that I will not fail, then I feel better.

About the Author

PhD Candidate in Japan, researching Narrative in Games. Responds favorably to Thrash Metal, Karaoke, and Dungeons & Dragons.

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