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Verbose Verbosity

This is the word analysis portion of's assessment of my Facebook wall. Apparently I'm extremely verbose. In my senior year in high school, one of my classmates shoved me into a wall because he had heard that I chuckled when I heard that he was not able to do more than a certain number of pull ups. "Verbose" was one of the insults he threw my way shortly after shoving me into said wall. Thinking back on that memory, I don't think that I have ever considered verbosity an insulting trait to have. Brevity may very well be the soul of wit, but I love being verbose. And apparently, according to this data blurb, I am also quite fond of shirking periods and exclamation marks as well. I am a little suspicious about why this program concluded that I am more "insightful" than others. That can be a bit insulting depending on which end of the looking glass you're standing.

About the Author

PhD Candidate in Japan, researching Narrative in Games. Responds favorably to Thrash Metal, Karaoke, and Dungeons & Dragons.

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