Accepted! Replaying Japan 2014
Paper accepted! Funds willing, see you in Canada. Now to shake off this chronic drowsiness...
A list of Game Studies Universities in Japan
Listing this for reference. Please also note that this list is composed in Japanese. ゲーム研究は、日本でどこで行われている(大学リスト):...
An exercise in naming
This reddit thread is beautiful. The rules are simple: remove one letter from a game title, what's the new synopsis? One example: "Ass...

Good Day, Weird Night
Today was a very fine day with a very bizarre and slightly disturbing ending. -Took the day off to go on solo walkabout in Osaka. -Got a...

Persona 4: It's about time.
Currently playing through Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 on the PS2 for the first time. Still very early on in the game for me. Early...

"The Metallian"--the mythology of Judas Priest
I found this gem of a description in the wikipedia article on Judas Priest's 1984 album, "Defenders of the Faith," which describes the...
VIDEO: Interview with Infinite Lives Podcast
Huge and sincerest thanks to the fine gentlemen at Infinite Lives podcast for hosting Jonathan Padua, Thomas May III, and I on your...

Podcast interview about our PAX East Panel with Infinite Lives now!
#podcast #advocacy #paxeast
Hello Kittyについて
ぜんぜん重要ではないが、もし時間があれば、日本人の友達の声および意見を聞かせてください: 最近(昨日ぐらい?)、日本で人気なアヴリル・ラヴィーンは下記のPMをユーチューブでリリース。そのあとすぐに、大勢な欧米人は「日本人に対してレイシズム」の原因ですごく反対していて(コメン...
Proud of what I have to present
I've been so busy with various things these last two months that today is the first time since February that I will be presenting at the...