PNG software engineer takes on the world from Japan
Here's a media article about my sempai at NAIST, Dr. Raula Kula (pictured here on the far left). I got to know him through many long and...

Extra Credit Japan #1: Karaoke for Japanese Study?
(Note: this article was originally written and posted to the "Learn Japanese Pod" forum: http://learnjapanesepod.com/forum/index.php) ...

First Strike for the iOS
At the end of last week I got into a game for the iOS called "First Strike" which is a nuclear war strategy game. The premise is that...

Contentious notions about Narrative in games
"Unfortunately, Narrative in modern video games at large has always been a rather contentious topic in Game Studies. On the one hand,...

Addressing absence in Gone Home
"In a medium which often relies on interaction with the visually-overt, Gone Home is an intriguing example of a game narrative which is...

Concurrent, parallel pursuits
Hideo Kojima on MGSV: The Phantom Pain and game design/authorship in general: "I'm trying to focus on keeping the player's freedom and,...

I bought Nerf for the lab to relieve stress. My plan is that by the end of summer, we have enough guns for an outdoor nerf war....

How can you check for fun?
I was asked to prepare a very brief couple of slides on how to make games. As most of you know, you can't really distill that kind of...
An untenable situation in game music
The American Federation of Musicians has since 2012, apparently and inexplicably banned their union members (composers, musicians, etc)...
"Standing on the edge..."
As the Metal Gear Series' narrative edges chronologically closer to the point of origin (the original Metal Gear on the MSX and the...