Visit with Prof. Aki Nakamura at Ritsumeikan University
On Nov. 11th, 2014, I had the pleasure of visiting Ritsumeikan University (Kinugasa Campus) in Kyoto to meet with Professor Aki Nakamura...

Putting "weird postmodernism" behind me
While pondering some new research avenues and delving into my past ramblings on Game Studies, I happened upon this blurb of frustration...

Interview with The Rule of the Games
I was recently interviewed by Alessandro Arena-DeRosa of The Rule of the Games, check out the article write up and/or full audio of the...

Meaningful Play 2014 Recap
The International Academic Conference on Meaningful Play 2014 took place at Michigan State University in Lansing, Michigan, USA, from...

IGDA Scholarship to GDC 2015 now open!
The IGDA Student Scholarship for GDC 2015 is now open and accepting applications. Attending GDC in San Francisco can potentially be one...

"Major Contributors Acknowledgements Slide"
One of the perks from my recent IndieGoGo campaign on Video Game Studies was to be featured in my actual conference presentation on a...

Tabata: "Please make more FFXV memes."
In a recent interview, Final Fantasy XV director Hajime Tabata has stated that he is delighted with the memes that are coming out about...

Jenova Chen: Designing Journey
"Your game practically changed my life... It was the most fun I had with him since he had been diagnosed... My father passed in the...
The Graduation Theme
I swear. One day, when I am a professor of my own lab, I will play this song, the Final Fantasy Main Theme (orchestral), for the...
Podcast Interview with Infinite Lives
I sat down to have a semi-informal chat with Dan P from the Infinite Lives Podcast. Within the almost 3 hour long talk, we discuss...