Digital Mythology
"Considering this phenomenon of narrativization with respect to games, it then becomes important to understand that games as a medium are...
On writing paragraphs
I have just today realized that, as a habit from my undergraduate days when I was able to really solidify my writing style, I must...

Random and Obscure Facts about Me
(This originally took place on Facebook, but as it is a good account of these occurrences and a good sample of my writing style, I have...
How to Read a Paper
For all you grad students: This paper has been floating around the lab in some digital form or another for a while now, and especially...
Remain Wary of Assumptions
From the California State University Dominguez Hills "Guide to Writing and Research in the Humanities": "Every time we write we employ a...
Yes, I want to actually write a thesis someday
In my lab every graduating season, there appears to be a custom of placing the graduating PhD candidate's thesis near the daily newspaper...

Japanese Draft

Verbose Verbosity
This is the word analysis portion of zeebly.com's assessment of my Facebook wall. Apparently I'm extremely verbose. In my senior year in...