A boon
Well, I just found out that I have slightly more time to do my thesis than I had originally thought. Hells yes with fucking sugar on top...
Well-established fears
Au Gai is on record for having expounded thoroughly on the topic of Graduate School at large, though recently my favorite of these...
What I need to do (because bullet lists are in fashion)
1. Experimental game for Thesis 2. Thesis first draft due Xmas Eve 3. Seminar II 2nd presentation in Jan. 4. Convince the board I am...
How to Read a Paper
For all you grad students: This paper has been floating around the lab in some digital form or another for a while now, and especially...
"You can settle for less than an ordinary life, or do you feel like you were meant for something bet
In truth, it is never too early to begin thinking about your Masters Thesis. That being the case, I have been trying to situate and...
Yes, I want to actually write a thesis someday
In my lab every graduating season, there appears to be a custom of placing the graduating PhD candidate's thesis near the daily newspaper...