Visit with Prof. Aki Nakamura at Ritsumeikan University
On Nov. 11th, 2014, I had the pleasure of visiting Ritsumeikan University (Kinugasa Campus) in Kyoto to meet with Professor Aki Nakamura...

International Conference on Japan Game Studies 2013 Recap
May 24th~26th, 2013 This was a joint conference between Ritsumeikan University RCGS and University of Alberta, Edmonton, and a wonderful,...

The Creator of the Original NES!
Probably the biggest thing to happen to me at the International Conference on Japan Game Studies 2013 (and my life). With Professor...

First time to DiGRA Japan
Just got back from the Digra Conference at Ritsumeikan University: http://www.digrajapan.org/modules/piCal/index.php?smode=Monthly&action...

Ritsumeikan Center for Game Studies
Just got done talking video game research with a professor at Ritsumeikan University. There wasn't enough time today, but next time I...