Visit with Prof. Aki Nakamura at Ritsumeikan University
On Nov. 11th, 2014, I had the pleasure of visiting Ritsumeikan University (Kinugasa Campus) in Kyoto to meet with Professor Aki Nakamura...

International Conference on Japan Game Studies 2013 Recap
May 24th~26th, 2013 This was a joint conference between Ritsumeikan University RCGS and University of Alberta, Edmonton, and a wonderful,...

DiGRA Conference Announcement
DiGRA JAPAN (Digital Games Research Association) has announced their annual conference (March 4th~5th, 2013). This year it will be held...

Ritsumeikan Center for Game Studies
Just got done talking video game research with a professor at Ritsumeikan University. There wasn't enough time today, but next time I...