Contentious notions about Narrative in games
"Unfortunately, Narrative in modern video games at large has always been a rather contentious topic in Game Studies. On the one hand,...

Addressing absence in Gone Home
"In a medium which often relies on interaction with the visually-overt, Gone Home is an intriguing example of a game narrative which is...
Don't Lose Perspective in Grad School
"It's easy to lose perspective while in graduate school. You are surrounded by so many other smart, hard working people that it is easy...
Suspension of Disbelief in GTA
Tavinor on Coleridge's original idea of the Suspension of Disbelief in Fiction: "In fact, appreciators of fiction never suspend their...
Zagal: "Best in class may not be best for class"
Professor Jose Zagal raised a valid, if not sobering point recently that oftentimes students in Game Design courses are far too attached...
"Either/or" is a dead end
Margaret Mackey in "To Automaticity and Beyond: Narrative Interpretation in Game and Novel": "Interpreters of game and print fiction have...
Open-faced noob question
How does one know when their work has been cited by others? Not that that is happening any time soon. The thought had occurred to me...
Someone who gets it
I nearly leapt out of my seat when I read this. Thankfully I can still control myself: "The actual concern of computer game philology...

"Literary Theory and Computer Games" by Julian Kucklich (2001)
"Literary Theory and Computer Games" by Julian Kucklich (2001): This paper is just a fascinating collection of pertinent things. There...

Like a groin shot because it's low and true...
#ludology #gamestudiescurrently #gradschoollife #masters #musings #quote