Contentious notions about Narrative in games
"Unfortunately, Narrative in modern video games at large has always been a rather contentious topic in Game Studies. On the one hand,...

Addressing absence in Gone Home
"In a medium which often relies on interaction with the visually-overt, Gone Home is an intriguing example of a game narrative which is...

International Conference on Japan Game Studies 2013 Recap
May 24th~26th, 2013 This was a joint conference between Ritsumeikan University RCGS and University of Alberta, Edmonton, and a wonderful,...

DiGRA Japan 2013 in Kyushu Day #2 Recap
#acecombatzero #conference #digrajapan #trip #paper #ramen

DiGRA Japan Conference 2013, Pre-conference dayin Kyushu
#acecombatzero #conference #digrajapan #game #gamedesign #gamedevelopment #gamestudiescurrently #gradschoollife #japangamestudies...

Japanese Draft

Paper Accepted to DiGRA JAPAN 2012
Accepted for presentation at the DiGRA Japan Conference to be held in Kyushu in March. This time around, my focus is frame narrative in...
See You, Game Studies Cowboy
Talking at length with the Associate Professor of our lab last night became a great wellspring of awesome, crazy, yet equally legitimate...

DiGRA Conference Announcement
DiGRA JAPAN (Digital Games Research Association) has announced their annual conference (March 4th~5th, 2013). This year it will be held...
Conference on the Apocalypse
Holy crap. I just received a conference alert for a conference about the Apocalypse. Anything re: the End of the World is welcome,...