Back in Hawaii for Business and Reflection
'Twas a place of fiction, music, and solace. From April 1st to the 11th I returned to Hawaii, where I grew up and where my family lives,...
One of the best guitarists I know
Lately my motivation and morale has been down because sometimes the process of writing a thesis can seem like trying to show certain...
On 大恐竜時代(Daikyouryuu Jidai/Era of the Dinosaurs, 1979)
On 大恐竜時代(Daikyouryuu Jidai/Era of the Dinosaurs, 1979): This aired on TV back in the early 80's when I was bout 5 or 6 years old. I...

Japanese Intensive Language Course, C Class Reunion
My sincerest thanks to my classmates at Osaka University. It was great seeing all of you again. To those who are leaving Japan in March,...

Random Access Memory: Improv Day
One day back when I was a high school teacher in Hyogo-prefecture, for the drama activity I let the students pair up and do impressions...