Geek-partying with Tim Evans of GeekParty

Interviewed by Pop Mythology, Referenced by GeekParty
Recently, Jess Kroll from PopMythology.com interviewed me for their excellent online publication and I am doubly honored that the article...

Interview with The Rule of the Games
I was recently interviewed by Alessandro Arena-DeRosa of The Rule of the Games, check out the article write up and/or full audio of the...

Concurrent, parallel pursuits
Hideo Kojima on MGSV: The Phantom Pain and game design/authorship in general: "I'm trying to focus on keeping the player's freedom and,...

"That, perhaps, may be my answer."
"...[N]othing is known about him. I was never able to find out what kind of a person he really was. But whenever they talked about him,...
Suspension of Disbelief in GTA
Tavinor on Coleridge's original idea of the Suspension of Disbelief in Fiction: "In fact, appreciators of fiction never suspend their...