Verbose Verbosity
This is the word analysis portion of zeebly.com's assessment of my Facebook wall. Apparently I'm extremely verbose. In my senior year in...

Like a groin shot because it's low and true...
#ludology #gamestudiescurrently #gradschoollife #masters #musings #quote

Random Access Memory: Improv Day
One day back when I was a high school teacher in Hyogo-prefecture, for the drama activity I let the students pair up and do impressions...
初めての日本語のアブストラクトを書いている。これから締め切りまで(一ヶ月弱)、何回も詳細されるかもけど、最初の国内研究会のためだから、チャレンジしたいなぁっと思う。 このラボで、他の日本人のM1学生は逆に英語で学内ゼミ発表している。僕たち、「どうして日本語/英語で発表したい...

Rapture, Immersion, Agency, and everything in between
This is completely out of context. Figure 2 from "Literary Theory and Computer Games" by Julian Kucklich (2001). It's the goddamn...
Conference on the Apocalypse
Holy crap. I just received a conference alert for a conference about the Apocalypse. Anything re: the End of the World is welcome,...

Can Academics use Cheat Codes to facilitate their Research?
Professor Aarseth on the use of cheating in games (for the purposes of conducting research): "It is with great and increasing regret that...
The Illusion of Choice in Games
Espen Aarseth on Quest Games: "Successful productions of this type, whether we call them stories, games, or story-game hybrids, must find...

I believe I am an astute reader, but...
Alright, I'm not yet finished reading the entirety of the article entitled "A Narrative Theory of Games" by Games Studies fixture Espen...
"Protect Mode"
I am currently revising my submission for Meaningful Play. It seems I'm in Protect Mode: I'm trying to make revisions based on peer...