Why do I want a PhD in Game Studies?
I had a Highlander-esque Quickening moment this morning while I was ruminating on why I am pursuing a PhD. I'm speaking in somewhat...

"The Metallian"--the mythology of Judas Priest
I found this gem of a description in the wikipedia article on Judas Priest's 1984 album, "Defenders of the Faith," which describes the...
Hello Kittyについて
ぜんぜん重要ではないが、もし時間があれば、日本人の友達の声および意見を聞かせてください: 最近(昨日ぐらい?)、日本で人気なアヴリル・ラヴィーンは下記のPMをユーチューブでリリース。そのあとすぐに、大勢な欧米人は「日本人に対してレイシズム」の原因ですごく反対していて(コメン...
The first rule
Chris' 1st rule of Game Studies: when approaching a potential candidate text, enjoy it first. Worry about the icky academic stuff later....
"To those who can hear me I say, 'Do not despair'"
I needed this. From Charlie Chaplin's "The Great Dictator" (1940): "You the people have the power, the power to create machines, the...
Things learned in the last week
Things I learned in the last week: 1) 上記・下記 (じょうき・かき)-- refers to something directly above/below it, whereas 前述 (ぜんじゅつ) could refer to...
Don't Lose Perspective in Grad School
"It's easy to lose perspective while in graduate school. You are surrounded by so many other smart, hard working people that it is easy...
Purloin the Golden Egg
The study I just finished reading concluded that a game became harder when the difficulty level of that game was increased. I am trying...

What does this icon actually depict?
Plain Box Interactive is participating in the GitHub Game Jam for the month of November. To that end, and to get some ideas, I decided to...
On 大恐竜時代(Daikyouryuu Jidai/Era of the Dinosaurs, 1979)
On 大恐竜時代(Daikyouryuu Jidai/Era of the Dinosaurs, 1979): This aired on TV back in the early 80's when I was bout 5 or 6 years old. I...