On a difference of eras and Fatigue-inducing epics:
In junior high school (for me, 1993), I was playing Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past for the SNES pretty obsessively. But when you get...

The Research Poster gets a better Color Scheme
Alright, so this is what happened. First, I made that blue poster and that was pretty damn depressing. So then I used the color scheme...
There are no such thing as Research Posters...
Today I'm working on a research poster for the open school event this Saturday. I've never done one of these before in undergrad, and I...
The Youth of the Field of Game Studies
I thought this is something I need to share: "The youth of the field of game studies is also another reason for blurred boundaries...

On Christian Games Pt. 2
More oddness regarding the niche of Christian Video Games. The fact that there is a Christian First Person Shooter kind of blows my mind:...

On Christian Games Pt. 1
In a general survey of video game genres of the 70's/80's, it has become oddly apparent that the nitch-genre of Christian Video Games...

The "Mass Effect" of Mass Effect 3
This has been happening for a while now, but yes, gamers rabidly demand a better ending/set of endings for Mass Effect 3. I wonder if...
Games as a form of Literature?
Please bear with me as I think out loud for a moment: 1. I am engaging in a serious academic investigation of video games as a form of...

The Meaning of Yap
Attention all Yaps and all the ships at sea: This kanji, 『葉』, (meaning "leaf") is apparently the kanji for our last name, "Yap."...

Let's Begin
Well, here we go then... #conference #paper #meaningfulplay #masters