Interview with The Rule of the Games
I was recently interviewed by Alessandro Arena-DeRosa of The Rule of the Games, check out the article write up and/or full audio of the...

Tabata: "Please make more FFXV memes."
In a recent interview, Final Fantasy XV director Hajime Tabata has stated that he is delighted with the memes that are coming out about...

Tokyo Game Show 2014 Recap
The Tokyo Game Show 2014 took place at Makuhari-Messe In Chiba, Japan from September 18th~21st. This is technically my fifth TGS since I...

CEDEC 2014 Recap
CEDEC 2014 (Computer Entertainment Developers Conference) took place in Yokohama, Japan from September 2st~4th, and as always, more than...
"Standing on the edge..."
As the Metal Gear Series' narrative edges chronologically closer to the point of origin (the original Metal Gear on the MSX and the...

Ryan Payton氏(MGS4, Halo 4等)は、CEDEC 2011で「日本の有名なゲームクリエイターが最新のゲームをやっているとは到底思えない」という発表で: 日本のゲームにはすごく深い物語がありますけれど、やはりゲーム自体が面白くないと良くないと。ゲームをした...

Persona 4: It's about time.
Currently playing through Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 on the PS2 for the first time. Still very early on in the game for me. Early...

The Arrival of the PS4
There is a lot going on in this photo. 1) Japanese military otaku taking glorious and disturbing ownership of a Playstation 4. 2) Jesse...

"No one likes Final Fantasy 8"
Just now in a session about how popular Japanese game culture is in France: (Hasty paraphrasing in English) Florent: Final Fantasy VII is...

DiGRA Japan Conference 2013, Pre-conference dayin Kyushu
#acecombatzero #conference #digrajapan #game #gamedesign #gamedevelopment #gamestudiescurrently #gradschoollife #japangamestudies...