Paper Accepted!
Looks like I'll be heading to Michigan in October for the Meaningful Play 2012 conference on serious games (http://meaningfulplay.msu.edu...

Mathematical Rigor out of Byzantine Ways
According to Khan Academy's wonderful video tutorials on Linear Algebra: "If anything, in linear algebra, the gods of linear algebra are...

First Conference Submission of my Career
First time I'm doing this, hopefully much more to follow. #conference #gradschoollife #institution #masters #meaningfulplay #naist #paper

First time to DiGRA Japan
Just got back from the Digra Conference at Ritsumeikan University: http://www.digrajapan.org/modules/piCal/index.php?smode=Monthly&action...

Ritsumeikan Center for Game Studies
Just got done talking video game research with a professor at Ritsumeikan University. There wasn't enough time today, but next time I...