Back in Hawaii for Business and Reflection
'Twas a place of fiction, music, and solace. From April 1st to the 11th I returned to Hawaii, where I grew up and where my family lives,...

New Years Eve 2012 -or- Who's still working?
Left the lab today at about 6pm. When I reached the top of the small hill behind the Information Science Building, out of curiosity, I...

Paper Accepted to DiGRA JAPAN 2012
Accepted for presentation at the DiGRA Japan Conference to be held in Kyushu in March. This time around, my focus is frame narrative in...
See You, Game Studies Cowboy
Talking at length with the Associate Professor of our lab last night became a great wellspring of awesome, crazy, yet equally legitimate...
Open-faced noob question
How does one know when their work has been cited by others? Not that that is happening any time soon. The thought had occurred to me...

Meaningful Play 2012 Day #2 Recap: We Are Game Studies
http://flickr.com/meaningfullyplay Meaningful Play 2012の参加者や発表者の写真でござる。われわれは最後らへんにある。 The Flickr account of the presenters and attendees...

Meaningful Play 2012 Student Game: "Don't Kill the Cow"
学生製作、道徳的「Don't Kill the Cow!」(牛を殺すな)というゲームである。目的はそのままである。ただ、7分間で牛を殺せず。だが、ちゃんと牛を無視したら、妹がなくなる。プレーヤーにとって、どちらのほうが大事: 条件を満たすことか妹を救うことか?...

Meaningful Play 2012 Day #1 Recap
Meaningful Play 2012の1日目終了でござる。様々、非常に面白いゲーム研究者出会った。それぞれの皆さまは、ゲームの分析方法・観点とかは極めて多様である。自分の発表もう終了でござる。それを通して、自分の実験的なゲーム分析方法は正しくやっているのがわかった。(写...

Meaningful Play 2012 1st Keynote Speaker--Donald Brinkman
Donald Brinkman of Microsoft's games and learning R&D and his phenomenal mention of Rainbow-puking Pandas at his keynote presentation to...

Can Academics use Cheat Codes to facilitate their Research?
Professor Aarseth on the use of cheating in games (for the purposes of conducting research): "It is with great and increasing regret that...