My first game
"Technically, my first game" This is a video of the very last thing I made in the online metaverse of Second Life. It's an...

Addressing absence in Gone Home
"In a medium which often relies on interaction with the visually-overt, Gone Home is an intriguing example of a game narrative which is...

Gone Home is a triumph
I just finished Gone Home. I will honestly say, I was in no way prepared for just how moving this game turned out to be. Gone Home...

On Papers, Please
Playing through Papers, Please. There is a part early on where a married couple shows up. They are immigrating, escaping a dictatorship....

GDC 2014 Recap
As ever, this recap will be a vignette-ish panoply of my thoughts and insights at GDC 2014. Readers beware. Early registration and...

Plain Box Interactive
昨日、Bevisさんは同人ゲームグループの「僕らについて」のウエブサイトのために(、プローみたいな写真をとってくれた。ありがとう、Bevisさん。 水野さんは、「Backstreet...
To The Moon
It's 2:30 in the morning. I just finished playing this indie game I purchased off Steam, a 16-bit RPG called "To the Moon" (Freebird...

Meaningful Play 2012 Student Game: "Don't Kill the Cow"
学生製作、道徳的「Don't Kill the Cow!」(牛を殺すな)というゲームである。目的はそのままである。ただ、7分間で牛を殺せず。だが、ちゃんと牛を無視したら、妹がなくなる。プレーヤーにとって、どちらのほうが大事: 条件を満たすことか妹を救うことか?...