"There was once a dream that was Rome, you could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and i
It feels as though the entire field of science is questioning the validity of my own field of humanities. "What is that good for?" or...

First Conference Submission of my Career
First time I'm doing this, hopefully much more to follow. #conference #gradschoollife #institution #masters #meaningfulplay #naist #paper

Dreaming in Apocalypse Again
I am grateful for most of my dreams, especially since they are a rarity these days for whatever reason. Last night I had a dream where I...
Existentialist Afternoon Woes
Having to write a conference paper in a field that is thoroughly new and unproven evokes many soul-searching questions, not the least of...

The Research Poster gets a better Color Scheme
Alright, so this is what happened. First, I made that blue poster and that was pretty damn depressing. So then I used the color scheme...
There are no such thing as Research Posters...
Today I'm working on a research poster for the open school event this Saturday. I've never done one of these before in undergrad, and I...