New Years Eve 2012 -or- Who's still working?
Left the lab today at about 6pm. When I reached the top of the small hill behind the Information Science Building, out of curiosity, I...

Paper Accepted to DiGRA JAPAN 2012
Accepted for presentation at the DiGRA Japan Conference to be held in Kyushu in March. This time around, my focus is frame narrative in...
See You, Game Studies Cowboy
Talking at length with the Associate Professor of our lab last night became a great wellspring of awesome, crazy, yet equally legitimate...

Trinity of Required Reading
These are the three seminal texts for Game Studies: 1) Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature by Espen Aarseth 2) Half-Real: Video...
Open-faced noob question
How does one know when their work has been cited by others? Not that that is happening any time soon. The thought had occurred to me...
Someone who gets it
I nearly leapt out of my seat when I read this. Thankfully I can still control myself: "The actual concern of computer game philology...

"Literary Theory and Computer Games" by Julian Kucklich (2001)
"Literary Theory and Computer Games" by Julian Kucklich (2001): This paper is just a fascinating collection of pertinent things. There...

Verbose Verbosity
This is the word analysis portion of zeebly.com's assessment of my Facebook wall. Apparently I'm extremely verbose. In my senior year in...

Like a groin shot because it's low and true...
#ludology #gamestudiescurrently #gradschoollife #masters #musings #quote
初めての日本語のアブストラクトを書いている。これから締め切りまで(一ヶ月弱)、何回も詳細されるかもけど、最初の国内研究会のためだから、チャレンジしたいなぁっと思う。 このラボで、他の日本人のM1学生は逆に英語で学内ゼミ発表している。僕たち、「どうして日本語/英語で発表したい...