Magic Dust, Paid for with a Smile
Thank you to Faii Na, Noey Hole Cheek, and Yuk PamSeven Warit! Found this on my desk at the lab when I came in this morning. This was a...

International Conference on Japan Game Studies 2013 Recap
May 24th~26th, 2013 This was a joint conference between Ritsumeikan University RCGS and University of Alberta, Edmonton, and a wonderful,...

Graduate School vs. Guraduate School
Although I feel like this school is a hard fit for me, I am still proud to be a student at NAIST. We are ranked 1st in Japan for Science...

DiGRA Japan Conference 2013, Pre-conference dayin Kyushu
#acecombatzero #conference #digrajapan #game #gamedesign #gamedevelopment #gamestudiescurrently #gradschoollife #japangamestudies...

Japanese Intensive Language Course, C Class Reunion
My sincerest thanks to my classmates at Osaka University. It was great seeing all of you again. To those who are leaving Japan in March,...
Yes, I want to actually write a thesis someday
In my lab every graduating season, there appears to be a custom of placing the graduating PhD candidate's thesis near the daily newspaper...

Japanese Draft
Fridays are the best days to be in Lab, apparently
Newly-noticed trend: Of course, it is always good practice to be present in one's own laboratory. But it is becoming gradually more...
On turning 33
A sincere thank you to everyone for your birthday wishes. Life has interesting ways of pointing things out. Odd convergences of theme,...
Heading to GDC 2013!
And just like that, I just got the go ahead to attend GDC 2013. I didn't even ask. I was just chatting with the Associate Professor about...