GDC 2015 + PAX East 2015
This year for whatever reason both GDC and PAX East were at opposite ends of the same week. This was particularly problematic for...

Jenova Chen: Designing Journey
"Your game practically changed my life... It was the most fun I had with him since he had been diagnosed... My father passed in the...

GDC 2015: Not yet...
D'OH! My submission for GDC 2015's Advocacy Track didn't get in this time. Oh well, gotta try again next time. It's something I will do...

Submitting for GDC 2015
Two noteworthy things: 1) Submitted an upgraded Mythology in and of Games talk proposal to the GDC 2015 Advocacy track. Let's rock. 2)...

GDC 2014 Recap
As ever, this recap will be a vignette-ish panoply of my thoughts and insights at GDC 2014. Readers beware. Early registration and...

San Francisco
サンフランシスコまで無事に到着した。下記の写真で、ゴールデンゲート橋を左下のところでちょっと見える。現在、20℃で結構晴れているよ。3月なのに、春じゃなくて、夏ポイ。ホテルの周り、有名な「Blondie's Pizza」屋さんがあるので、今から食いに行く。 Made it...

GDC pre-planning overload
Well, I came to the conclusion yesterday that I've been far too busy for my own limits, and that my trip to GDC 2014 on Sunday will...

GDC 2013 Recap
This post shall be re-constructed in no particular order from my half-notes and reveried insights... March 26th: 1) Small insight: No...

Made it to GDC 2013
#trip #gdc
Odd Ramblings while en-route to GDC 2013
Am currently at a cafe in 学園前駅, waiting for the airport bus. Two senior citizens, both sitting in different places and not acquaintances...