So I bought XCOM: Enemy Unknown last night
This equates to, "So I threw away my need for sleep last night." #game #gamers #masters #personal #fun #steam

Korea Trip: Akasuri and Cupping
Tried Akasuri (super-ultra-heavy exfoliating scrubbing) and Cupping Therapy (suction cups on the skin to promote...something) at a spa in...

Random Access Memory: Improv Day
One day back when I was a high school teacher in Hyogo-prefecture, for the drama activity I let the students pair up and do impressions...
Conference on the Apocalypse
Holy crap. I just received a conference alert for a conference about the Apocalypse. Anything re: the End of the World is welcome,...

Meaningful Play 2012 Day #3 Recap
Meaningful Play 2012、3日目終了。今日は最後でござる。写真は、Keynote発表でJohn Ferrara氏(Megazoid Games会社)の発表の際に撮った。この3日間の研究会の雰囲気は、発表者のほとんど皆がなんかユーモアを上手に用いたと感じた。よ...

Meaningful Play 2012 Day #2 Recap: We Are Game Studies
http://flickr.com/meaningfullyplay Meaningful Play 2012の参加者や発表者の写真でござる。われわれは最後らへんにある。 The Flickr account of the presenters and attendees...

Meaningful Play 2012 Student Game: "Don't Kill the Cow"
学生製作、道徳的「Don't Kill the Cow!」(牛を殺すな)というゲームである。目的はそのままである。ただ、7分間で牛を殺せず。だが、ちゃんと牛を無視したら、妹がなくなる。プレーヤーにとって、どちらのほうが大事: 条件を満たすことか妹を救うことか?...