Visit with Prof. Aki Nakamura at Ritsumeikan University
On Nov. 11th, 2014, I had the pleasure of visiting Ritsumeikan University (Kinugasa Campus) in Kyoto to meet with Professor Aki Nakamura...

New Book Time
While working/listening to Metallica's "Call of Ktulu" this morning, my newly-ordered books arrived. Lots more reading homework this...

Trinity of Required Reading
These are the three seminal texts for Game Studies: 1) Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature by Espen Aarseth 2) Half-Real: Video...

I believe I am an astute reader, but...
Alright, I'm not yet finished reading the entirety of the article entitled "A Narrative Theory of Games" by Games Studies fixture Espen...

Action Item (Alpha)--Retro Imagination
I'm currently going through this book, "The Ultimate Guide to Video Game Writing and Design," and the authors pose interesting little...