Interview with The Rule of the Games
I was recently interviewed by Alessandro Arena-DeRosa of The Rule of the Games, check out the article write up and/or full audio of the...

"That, perhaps, may be my answer."
"...[N]othing is known about him. I was never able to find out what kind of a person he really was. But whenever they talked about him,...

International Conference on Japan Game Studies 2013 Recap
May 24th~26th, 2013 This was a joint conference between Ritsumeikan University RCGS and University of Alberta, Edmonton, and a wonderful,...

DiGRA Japan 2013 in Kyushu Day #2 Recap
#acecombatzero #conference #digrajapan #trip #paper #ramen

DiGRA Japan in Kyushu, 2013 Day #1 Recap
Tomorrow morning I'll present my paper on Interactive Frame Narrative in Namco/Bandai's "Ace Combat Zero." This afternoon however, I had...

DiGRA Japan Conference 2013, Pre-conference dayin Kyushu
#acecombatzero #conference #digrajapan #game #gamedesign #gamedevelopment #gamestudiescurrently #gradschoollife #japangamestudies...

Japanese Draft

Paper Accepted to DiGRA JAPAN 2012
Accepted for presentation at the DiGRA Japan Conference to be held in Kyushu in March. This time around, my focus is frame narrative in...