Meaningful Play 2014: Accepted!
Paper accepted to Meaningful Play 2014 in Michigan! Just got back from Replaying Japan 2014 in Canada and jet lagging, but very happy to...
Accepted! Replaying Japan 2014
Paper accepted! Funds willing, see you in Canada. Now to shake off this chronic drowsiness... https://sites.google.com/a/ualberta.ca/repl...

PAX East 2014 Acceptance!
"I'M SHIPPING UP TO BOSTON! WHOA~" -Dropkick Murphys #paxeast #accepted #trip #advocacy

Paper Accepted to DiGRA JAPAN 2012
Accepted for presentation at the DiGRA Japan Conference to be held in Kyushu in March. This time around, my focus is frame narrative in...

Paper Accepted!
Looks like I'll be heading to Michigan in October for the Meaningful Play 2012 conference on serious games (http://meaningfulplay.msu.edu...